Episode 154: Road Trip Notebooks
There’s just something about an electric pencil sharpener. Maybe it’s the air of mystery about how it performs its simple but also quite brutal task. It goes from quiet to roaring in a split second, and inside that benign little box there are cutting knives, chewing and scraping. And your pinky might just fit in that hole! You can admit you’ve tested the width against that of your smallest digit, just to see what sort of danger you might be in if you slipped. I have. In this episode, I (well, my dad, anyway) dispelled a bit of mystery by cracking open an old Berol Apsco electric pencil sharpener to see if I (dad) could bring it back to life. Listen to find out if we did or if I’m in the hospital due to electric shock!
Also, Adam is headed for vacation and plans his notebook array and possible techniques for satisfying notetaking.
- Ted
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